Friday, October 15, 2010

The Second Post By Dan the Dude!

Howdy to all you reading this. I am writing this In a moving truck (gasp) .. Yes I know its kinda dangerous to be typing on a laptop and driving at the same time, but, you know me, I’m Crazy!!  :) . I am currently in Brownsville, Texas, it is the Farthest point that a person can go before entering Mexico, there isn’t much of a difference down here except for the fact that there are a lot of palm trees and most everyone is Mexican. I was down in this area all week working, it was hard work and a good learning experience for me. While I was down here, I had a lot of time to think. I thought about what I had planned for my future and I realized that doing doors wasn’t what I felt my calling in life was. I enjoy working on doors, but I didn’t want it to hinder my plans on going to college and getting on with my life. I will continue working on doors part time, but I wont be doing so many 50+hour workweeks. 

On a more serious note, I-Am-Tired. Yes, I know, you are probably thinking,”huh? This is a more serious note?” and I must say, YeS, iT, IS, (weird capitalization helps me stay awake) It is on a more serious note because I say it is, Therefore you should just accept the fact that it is really serious and continue reading. Now, If you were any sane person, You would exit out of this page Immediately, but since you are reading this blog to begin with, I would have to assume that you aren’t exactly the sanest person in the world (please do note that I am joking.. don’t fill up my mailbox with hate mail please, that really makes me sad). Now as I was saying before, I-Am_Tired (note the lower line) (“confused yet?”) (“{you should be}”)  ok, I’m done, honest!! I am, totally done, like the done -est done can get. If you don’t believe me, then don’t read anymore, because I will probably prove you write. (“sigh” I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore, I am sleep deprived, and some would say I am a little deprived upstairs too :/ , I’m not sure I agree with that, but to each his own.) SOoOoOo Anyways, whats up? Are you bored? Do you feel like you have accomplished something today? Are you still reading this? Do you wish I would stop typing? .. If you would like to answer any of these, than type in that little box on the bottom that says “Comment” (Duhhhhhh)  And please, when you comment, Comment in English (Brother!!!!!!!!, Yes, I’m talking to you Bro Yo.. Don’t even think about it ..) I am a English Speaking individual and I am PROUD of it, Don’t try to sway me into speaking another language.. cause I WONT do it,.. I WONT I WONT I WON’T!!! You got it? Huh? Do you? Do you? Do you? You had better, cause I wont start speaking Cantonese on your behalf. 

            Ok, since you haven’t gained a single iota of information that is worth storing in the place you call your brain (if you got one), I feel that I should say something that will blow your socks, shoes, slippers, flip flops, or anything else that you so happen to be wearing on your feet that isn’t one of the above. (perhaps you are wearing a kettle on your foot, or maybe a your feet are in a vat of strawberry jello, Hey, I aint judging, although, if it is a yes to one of those 2, I would have to say that you are one strange cookie.. like super strange. ((hey now, That totally wasn’t judging))  Oh, what if you aren’t wearing nothing on your feet at all? Then perhaps  I guess I will have to make sure that what I say, will blow you mind,((say… wouldn’t blowing you mind be a bit painful?  Just a thought)) Eh, perhaps I will just say something that will leave you Dumbfounded, but I believe I have accomplished that already ;)  lol) If I may say, these rabbit trails I keep going on are a bit long, I think I should just shoot the rabbit instead of chasing it down its trail, cause I never catch the  dumb rabbit, so it’s a complete waste of time to go down there. OK Enough talk, lets get SERIOUS!!  (I’m being serious) 

In The News, The Miners were successfully removed from their Chilean grave yesterday and I am Soooo happy for them. I cant imagine what they went thru down there. (I bet it stunk down there)  Oh, something more serious that , Obama is still president.. OHHHH SNAPS!! I KNOW!!! I don’t believe it either :P and Apparently some people still think Obama is doing a great job. Haha, people amuse me sometimes (yea, I amuse myself a-lot).  (being serious is quite the chore, I must remember to do less of it, work tires me) 
BOO!!! Oh!! I totally scared you, Come on, admit it ;) .  Ok, I got a joke for you, why did the chicken cross the rode? You give up? Ok, I’ll tell you, because I tied a rope to him and dragged him across. ……… What is Brown/tan/white and red and is one of a kind? YOUR FACE!!! Hahaha  , wow, that was funny.. WHA? You didn’t think so? Well  you lead a sad boring life full of sad boring things.. (I’m so srry if this is true, it was totally meant as a joke )
Alrighty Then, Bye Bye now.. No really,  I  think I’m gonna wrap this up so  I can catch some shuteye, I seem to be lacking in that particular department at the moment, Its not fun, trust me. So without further adieu, I bid you farewell, may your day be bountiful and the weather pleasant.. Ta-Ta for now  :)


  1. So yeah, i'm one of those people lacking sanity that just read this whole thing...i'm a bit sleep deprived myself right now too that's probably why...what is amazing is you managed to say allll those words, and yet say hardly anything at all...that's

  2. hahahaha yea.. It was fun writing it :P)

  3. so are you going to title your next post "The Third Post by Dan the Dude"? Because I thought you were more creative than that;)

  4. Hahaha. The next title will be a bit more creative than this one was.. no worries :).. now i just have to figure out what im going to write about.
